Kapheus Earth is the story of Elisa and Jamie, two ordinary children, whose lives take a dramatic twist when their Great Uncle Davin visits, and introduces them to Kapheus, the fantastical world of light. He sends them on a quest to unlock the secret keys to their unconscious and to discover who they were born to be. A world of dragons, elves and mythical woodland creatures awaits you on this journey fraught with danger. Step into the adventure and maybe you too will unravel the mystery to your destiny…
Meet the black wolf, the little red robin, the dragons and of course the elves as you turn the pages of Kapheus Earth all the way to Christmas Eve and the aroma cinnamon biscuits filling Elisa and Jamie’s home.
It is one of the books that has been a guiding light for me in the last few years. It’s a children’s story book, but really it is suitable for any age group. I recommend it for anyone looking for some mindfulness techniques and fun adventure. – Ciara Finnerty (Irish Singer-Songwriter)